About us!

We are a family run tourism marketing and sales event business, firmly geared towards the needs of the tourism industry. Working all over the UK, Steve Reed Tourism offers practical, cost-effective and realistic  services to a great range of businesses, right across the tourism spectrum.

With over 25 years working in tourism, within both private and public sectors, we focus upon hotels, visitor attractions, retail outlets, destinations and a variety of venues that require new and additional business. 

This universal business requirement can be achieved though numerous services delivered by our company, tailored to suit the needs of the client of course. These may for example, include:

Product Development mentoring for key personnel

Sales Training - to suit your own business

Benchmark Analysis against competitors 

Sales Drives including mail-shots; email blasts, PR services and promotions

Key Account Meetings with  'Top 100 Buyers'

Group Travel Audit Inspections and Reports

High quality Short Films to showcase destinations, attractions and hotels 

One of our major specialties is that of group travel - indeed, we are acknowledged market leaders across the country in that particular field, an area of expertise that has given many of our clients not just additional sets of customers at the time of the year they require them, but also higher spending visitors too. We know and are known by, thousands of UK coach and tour operators, GTOS, wholesalers and inbound operators.  

If a business is under-performing or failing to achieve its sales targets, then Steve Reed Tourism can help to turn things around. A confidential and thorough Initial Consultancy Visit to the business in question is the best way to assess the potential for positive change and improvement; that's an approach that has led to many positive outcomes for numerous clients, often leading to a long term relationship with our company as a result.

Depending on your requirements and resources, we can work for you on a one-off, single project basis, or for an extended period on a mutually agreed  retainer arrangement.

To sum things up, if you have something to sell, we can help you find the right types of customers in the most effective and sustainable way.